The Community Scrapstore is a registered charity (no.1191943) run by a Board of Trustees. The Scrapstore is managed by our very creative Store Manager, Laura, who is always happy to advise and suggest ways that scrap resources can be used. We have a team of volunteers who help with collecting scrap, as well as working in the store sorting and displaying the scrap, keeping the place tidy and serving our members. We are always ready to welcome new volunteers, so if you think you would like to help out, please contact us
Our ethos
We believe that reducing the amount of new resources that are consumed has a positive effect on the environment. By diverting clean and safe business waste from landfill, we are able to offer those materials at low cost to be reused for creative purposes and play. We also believe that creativity and play help to support good mental health and wellbeing, and stimulate the imagination. There is no ‘right’ way to use the resources; what can be made from them is limitless.
We are pleased to acknowledge the support we receive from other organisations: